Did you say smile?? Like this??!
Did You Say Smile???                                      Like This??
Annette's Naked?!??
Did You Say Annette’s Naked?!???!
Check out Oma’s new hair cut.  Her hair is the color of champagne.  Just beautiful!  Can you see the corner of a red pocket on her dress?
Well, she didn’t really care for this dress too much because it only had one pocket.  She prefers two.  So this morning I presented her with the second pocket.  Red daisies go with black and white stripes…right?  Any way, now she has two red pockets and she can wear the dress. 
She said she liked it.
I laughed and told her she now has a hill billy dress with two red patches.
She laughed back saying Hilly Billy dress. 
Not really sure she’ll ever wear it again though!
Lots of love